


Ahimsa - Non-Violence

Swami Dayananda Saraswati beautifully explains the concept of Ahimsa, which is often translated as non-violence. According to him, all living organisms, including humans, possess an instinct to survive. While a human being, like any other organism, has the desire to survive, the key difference lies in the knowledge that not only does one want to survive, but so do others.

This awareness is fundamental. A human being understands that they do not want to be harmed, and inherently, they know that others feel the same way. This recognition forms the basis of Ahimsa—the principle of non-violence, which is a universal value shared by all.

Swami Dayananda Saraswati goes on to explain that Ahimsa is the core of all other values. When we think about values such as truthfulness (not telling lies), not stealing, and others, they are all fundamentally connected to Ahimsa. In essence, every moral value ultimately seeks to avoid harm and to promote peace and wellbeing for oneself and others.

Thus, Ahimsa is not merely the absence of violence but also a deep, conscious commitment to respect the inherent desire for peace and survival within every living being. It is a practice that encompasses both thought and action, encouraging us to live harmoniously with all forms of life.
